4 Things to Do After a Car Accident

Many people in West Virginia have experience dealing with car crashes, but the steps people take in the aftermath of accidents can be  important when it comes to the ability to recover financial compensation for all of the losses people are facing. As soon as you are involved in any car accident in West Virginia, get the help of a Charleston car accident attorney.

The most recent statistics from the Federal Highway Administration show that while West Virginia saw the lowest number of serious injuries in motor vehicle crashes over a seven year period, it also had its highest fatality rate. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) also reports 267 motor vehicle crash deaths in West Virginia, 89 of which were urban and 171 that were rural, in addition to seven that were unknown.

Seek Medical Attention
The first thing anybody should do after any car accident is to visit a hospital, even when individuals do not think they suffered an injury. Because many serious injuries will have delayed symptoms, seeing a doctor many days or weeks after a crash will only complicate your ability to recover for healthcare costs.

When you see a doctor, you are not only ensuring your own diagnosis, but you also create a medical record. Getting your condition medically documented will be extremely important later on.

Document the Scene
Many people have some kind of camera on their cell phones, and you should use yours to take pictures or videos of an entire scene of the crash. Get images of the vehicles involved before they are towed away or otherwise moved, and also try to document any other important types of evidence, such as skid marks.

When there are witnesses who saw your collision, get their names and phone numbers. Also, look for traffic control signs or signals.

Avoid Social Media
Most people have some kind of camera on their cell phones, and you should use yours to take pictures or videos of an entire scene of the crash. Get images of the vehicles involved before they are towed away or otherwise moved, and also try to document any other important types of evidence, such as skid marks.

Insurance companies will immediately be scouring your social media sites for things you have said about your crash and will be looking to use your words against you. Certain statements that you did not think were particularly harmful can actually end up being exactly that.

Let a Lawyer Deal with Insurance Companies
You should avoid speaking to any insurance adjusted until you have legal representation to help you prepare a proper statement. Many insurers will have agents quickly contact accident victims, and some may try to offer people lump-sum settlements to resolve their cases.

You need to know that many initial settlement offers are well below what people deserve to receive. Let an attorney handle all discussions with insurance companies because they will know how to negotiate for a much more fair and full settlement.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Charleston Car Accident Attorney
Did you suffer injuries in any kind of car accident in West Virginia? Do not wait another moment to get in touch with Cary Law Office.

Our firm regularly handles all kinds of car crash cases and knows what needs to be done to help people obtain every last dollar of compensation that they need and deserve. You can call (304) 804-6369 or contact us online to take advantage of a free consultation that will allow us to really examine the details of your case and inform you about what steps you can take to get justice.